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API Support

python-hyperscan currently exposes most of the C API, with the following caveats or exceptions:


Refer to the Hyperscan documentation to gain an understanding of how the Hyperscan compiler C API works, including supported pattern constructs and matching modes.

python-hyperscan requires Hyperscan 5.2.0 and above.

Please create an issue to request prioritization of certain C API features, report inconsistencies between the C API and this Python wrapper, and of course, report any bugs.

Building a Database

The only required parameter to hyperscan.Database is expressions, which should be a sequence of regular expressions. The rest of the parameters, including ids, elements, and flags are optional.

import hyperscan

db = hyperscan.Database()
patterns = (
    # expression,  id, flags
    (br'fo+',      0,  0),
    (br'^foobar$', 1,  hyperscan.HS_FLAG_CASELESS),
    (br'BAR',      2,  hyperscan.HS_FLAG_CASELESS
                       | hyperscan.HS_FLAG_SOM_LEFTMOST),
expressions, ids, flags = zip(*patterns)
    expressions=expressions, ids=ids, elements=len(patterns), flags=flags
# Version: 5.1.1 Features: AVX2 Mode: BLOCK

Match Event Handling

Match handler callbacks will be invoked with exactly the same parameters as their analog from the Hyperscan C API:

# Type annotated Hyperscan match handler signature
def on_match(
    id: int,
    from: int,
    to: int,
    flags: int,
    context: Optional[Any] = None
) -> Optional[bool]:

Refer to the Hyperscan documentation for match_event_handler for details about each parameter. Note that context in this case is any Python object passed to a scan method.

The return value determines whether or not Hyperscan should halt scanning. If the match handler returns anything other than None that is truthy, scanning will be halted and any subsequent calls to Database.scan or Stream.scan will throw a hyperscan.error.

Pattern Scanning

python-hyperscan manages Hyperscan's scratch spaces behind the scenes, so performing the actual scanning is extremely trivial.


Mirroring the behavior of the Hyperscan C API, both block and stream mode scan methods do not require a match_event_handler callback function to be provided. Not passing a match callback will suppress match production entirely.

One possible use case for this behavior is error checking or performing a dry run before performing a scan with a registered match handler.

Block Mode

db.scan(b'foobar', match_event_handler=on_match)
# Or, to provide a context object:
db.scan(b'foobar', match_event_handler=on_match, context='foo')

Streaming Mode

First, ensure the Database object was created with streaming mode enabled.

db = hyperscan.Database(mode=hyperscan.HS_MODE_STREAM)

Next, simply use the method, which provides the Stream context manager. The can be passed a match_event_handler and context object which will be used for all invocations of Stream.scan, unless overridden.

with, context=2345) as stream:
    # Override context only for one chunk
    stream.scan(b'barfoofoobarbarfoobar', context=1234)
    # Override match handler only for one chunk
    stream.scan(b'qux', match_event_handler=on_qux_match)

Vectored Mode

db = hyperscan.Database(mode=hyperscan.HS_MODE_VECTORED)
buffers = [
db.scan(buffers, match_event_handler=on_match)

Extended Parameters

Refer to the Hyperscan documentation for a list of parameter names and behaviours. python-hyperscan provides a helper named tuple, ExpressionExt, which is used to construct an hs_expr_ext_t structure. Only the appropriate field name for the given flag(s) need to be provided, all other parameters default to 0.

            flags=hyperscan.HS_EXT_FLAG_MIN_OFFSET, min_offset=12
# Matches the second `foobar`
db.scan(b'foobarfoobar', match_event_handler=callback)


Refer to the Hyperscan documentation for more information on serialization, its use cases, and caveats. Usage is simple:

# Serializing (dumping to bytes)
serialized = hyperscan.dumpb(db)
with open('hs.db', 'wb') as f:

# Deserializing (loading from bytes):
db = hyperscan.loadb(serialized)